If you've been looking for beta readers I do recommend www.critiquematch.com , www.cpmatchmaking.wordpress.com , and the latest www.betareader.io . With Critique Match and Betareader.io, you will have to upload your manuscript, whether its pages or the full document. I do advise reviewing the tutorials, and anything else can be asked in the help desks. I will say what's been working for me, is offering to be a beta reader. Of course, I don't offer in the hopes of "what can you do for me?" If a story sparks my interest and I have the time, I don't mind helping a fellow author in my genre. I know I can't read everyone's work, but I aim to sharpen my skills when it comes to plot development, character arcs, narratives, etc. Doing this, however, I have found authors are more open to reading my work since I took the time to read theirs. Again, I'm happy to help because I love reading and writing, but this has definitely been an asset to my works in pr...
Welcome to my blog! Here you'll find writers tips, book reviews, and sneak peaks of my own material as an author. All opinions are my own. No negativity here. Enjoy!