Currently, I publish with As a writer, I can publish my books for free and they are distributed to major retail stores i.e. Apple Books, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, etc. How has this worked for me in comparison to the traditional route? While there are a few manuscripts I want to submit to publishers, as a self-published author I enjoy the freedom of writing in my own time.
I set my own deadlines, and I discipline myself to meet those dates. Do they change? Of course, life happens all the time, but again, I have the freedom to make that decision. A downside to this is everything depends on me i.e. professional editing, cover design, marketing, and promotion, etc. It's a lot of work for one person to handle, and I have yet to develop a full team around me to help with my brand as an author. So far, I have an editor and a cover designer. I'll leave the links below in case you're looking for either or. 😄
I love my cover designer. While there are others that are talented, my designer simply gets me LOL. I tell her my style, the story line, and even show some examples of what I'm looking for. She's fantastic and does an amazing job every single time at an affordable cost. As far as my editor is concerned, once again, I've developed a relationship to where she knows my "hangups." She tells me when I'm info dumping and the places in my prose that are unclear.
Can you have all of this in the traditional world? I believe so, even though I have yet to experience it. Either way, traditional or indie, I love that I get to do what I love. It didn't hit me until a few days ago when I did query a manuscipt. I love what I do. I love crafting and writing a story. Am I a bestseller? No, but I don't have to be in order to validate who I am.
Until next time!
Professional editing with First Editing
Cover Design with Vila Design
I set my own deadlines, and I discipline myself to meet those dates. Do they change? Of course, life happens all the time, but again, I have the freedom to make that decision. A downside to this is everything depends on me i.e. professional editing, cover design, marketing, and promotion, etc. It's a lot of work for one person to handle, and I have yet to develop a full team around me to help with my brand as an author. So far, I have an editor and a cover designer. I'll leave the links below in case you're looking for either or. 😄
I love my cover designer. While there are others that are talented, my designer simply gets me LOL. I tell her my style, the story line, and even show some examples of what I'm looking for. She's fantastic and does an amazing job every single time at an affordable cost. As far as my editor is concerned, once again, I've developed a relationship to where she knows my "hangups." She tells me when I'm info dumping and the places in my prose that are unclear.
Can you have all of this in the traditional world? I believe so, even though I have yet to experience it. Either way, traditional or indie, I love that I get to do what I love. It didn't hit me until a few days ago when I did query a manuscipt. I love what I do. I love crafting and writing a story. Am I a bestseller? No, but I don't have to be in order to validate who I am.
Until next time!
Professional editing with First Editing
Cover Design with Vila Design
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